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Arcane is a consortium of scientists from the University of Grenoble whose common scientific objective is biomotivated chemistry.
This target is based on two scientific axes, one that targets the living, the other that is inspired by Nature.
Arcane was selected for funding as a Laboratoire d’excellence (Labex) through the “Investissements d’avenir” programme of the French government in 2012. Arcane’s funding has been extended until 2028 through the Chemistry, Biology and Health Graduate School of Université Grenoble Alpes.
Seven partners from complementary fields are united to develop these future-oriented research themes :
- Developing new processes, producing, controlling and developing new sources of energy to preserve the planet.
- Designing the molecules and treatments of the future so that we can be born, grow and age with peace of mind.
- Imaging new diagnostic tools to identify, detect and quantify ultra-traces of pathogens and bio-markers for early and targeted treatment.

Basic research ambitions to respond to future societal issues
ARCANE project is guided by both basic research ambitions and the need to respond to critical and societal issues. For instance, chemists and biochemists combine their expertise in protein chemistry, synthetic chemistry, catalysis and photo/electrochemistry so as to better understand the functions of these systems, in particular when they interact in complex multi-protein structures to produce synergistic effects, and run the basic chemical principles on which these biological systems are based to generate artificial and bio-inspired multifunctional analogues.
A multidisciplinary approach
The bio-driven chemistry promoted by ARCANE also covers all aspects of engineering of multifunctional biomolecules (i.e., peptides, nucleic acids, carbohydrates), which are intrinsically structurally and functionally distinguishable by living systems. Based on a multidisciplinary approach, ARCANE aims to miniaturize devices to study living organisms, deciphering the interface and biocompatibility between living beings and creating nano-objects inspired by their living counterparts. Seven partners from complementary fields have joined together in this labex in order to develop these scientific topics.
Research, Education, Valorisation
ARCANE tries to put together three research concepts: Research, Education and Valorisation as strategic objectives. To do so, ARCANE will focus on international education program, trainees related to innovative research projects and interactions with industries, in particular through PhD. It also organises thematic schools towards PhD and young researchers on spectifc themes (spectroscopies and theoretical chemistry, surface chemistry...).
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Contact us
If you have any question concerning Arcane, send an email to :
labex-arcaneuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr (labex-arcane[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
Visit us
Département de Chimie Moléculaire
301, rue de la Chimie
38610 Gières
Bâtiment C
Bureau 121
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