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The emergence of new characterization tools at the nano scale allowed essential developements in the field of functional materials. Applications of these materials are covering multiple domains, from energy (solar cells, batteries, micro- et nano-devices showing magnetic properties…) to health (biochips, diagnostic tools, drug shaping …) as well as bioinspired materials or catalysts. Their implementation requires multidisciplinary skills at the molecular chemistry / materials science interface.

Surf’Ing’Chem’2015 pointed out emerging functionnalization and characterization techniques in molecular surface engineering for researchers in molecular chemistry in order to bring them to a better understanding of the different material-environment interfaces at the molecular scale.

The Surf'Ing'Chem'2015 school was co-organized by CNRS and ARCANE and was held from june 8 to 12, 2015 at La Londe Les Maures (Odalys center).

The course curriculum was including topics on strategies for chemical surface functionalization regarding to the targeted application, tools for modelization of the reactivity of such surfaces as well as specific characterization techniques applied to the resulting functional materials.

  • The program was shared into three parts:

♦ Preparation and functionalization of surfaces

Preparation, surface activation

Functionalization of carbon-containing surfaces

Self-assembly, functional and reactive surfaces

Poly-electrolytes multy-layer assemblies, biomaterials

Plasma functionalization

Non specific adsorption


♦ Characterization techniques for functionalized surfaces

Infrared and XPS



Microscopy (AFM, TEM)

Mass spectrometry TOF-SIMS

♦ Modelisation / simulation of functionalized surfaces

  • Audience

This schools aimed primarily at young researchers (PhDs, post-docs), researchers, lecturers and research engineers working at the biomolecule or molecule/material interface, as well as industrial companies. Researchers willing for a thematic reconversion were also welcomed.  

Submitted on February 15, 2021

Updated on April 27, 2021