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Synthesis of contrast agents for medical imaging

Synthesis of redox active complexes as contrast agents for the detection of reactive oxygen species.

I’m Damien Mouchel dit Leguerrier, PhD student in coordination chemistry. My thesis subject is a wonderful domain of science which associate the synthesis of redox active ligand, the used of lanthanide and multiple characterization for MRI, luminescence, EPR etc…

Arcane promotes a multidisciplinary approach of Science. During my thesis, I worked on several aspect of the contrast agent. I studied the luminescence of lanthanide, their paramagnetic effect on bulk water for MRI, the organic synthesis of ligand, the electrochemistry of redox active function and also the cytotoxicity of our contrast agents. Precision, rigor and versatility are the key points for a PhD student.

My next goal is the creation of start up on renewable energy. I want to make my own business and develop new skills for this.

Thesis dates

Beginning: 2018
End: 2021


Pr. Fabrice Thomas and Dr. Jennifer Molloy

Submitted on April 19, 2021

Updated on April 29, 2021