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Jade Arnone

Thiol-ene/Oxidation Tandem reaction by HEterogeneous artificial Metalloenzymes

My project is to develop a new reactivity by combining catalytic systems to make selective sulfoxidation synthesis.

I’m Jade Arnone and I graduated with a Bachelor in Biochemistry and a Master in Organic Synthesis last year. Having always been attracted by multidisciplinary subjects, I was looking for a research subject at the chemistry / biological interface.
Challenging myself with concept such as implementing green chemistry in industries to limit waste and treatment of oxidants reagents that are difficult to recycle.
In addition, I was also fascinated by the originality of the method used to employ artificial metalloenzymes in heterogeneous catalysis called CLEC (Cross-Linked-Enzyme-Crystal).

The Labex Arcane provides an excellent opportunity to join this community whose research axes are bio-inspired sciences as well as multidisciplinarity as its key words.

Finally, I will try to see the different opportunities that will be offered to me during my PhD to find my way after the thesis.

Thesis dates

Beginning: 2021
End: 2024


Caroline Marchi-Delapierre (LCBM-BioCE) and Christine Cavazza (LCBM-BEE)

Submitted on October 20, 2021

Updated on October 20, 2021